Fall in the Midwest

Painting of a sunset falling across suburban houses

With the end of daylight saving time, my evening walks with Riley are now in sunset. There’s something special about the quality of light at that time, the fiery reds and oranges and yellows trending up into the slate blues through a transition that’s difficult for the eyes to track. I love it, and fill my camera roll with shots trying to capture it. I think the painting is pretty good, warm in all the right ways. I like the way the all those tedious branches frame the sky.

If you look around the site, you’ll see that my interests are primarily focused on painting people – figure and portrait paintings are where my heart lies – but I do enjoy these nature and landscape paintings as well. There’s a different set of challenges involved, and they don’t usually set off the “wrongness” sensors human subjects do. Now if only I could figure out how to crack open that field of sunflowers picture I keep bouncing off of.