Cheers to Sunday

Painting of /u/MakingBeauty from a post titled Cheers to Sunday. This is a digital painting, using a slightly modified version of the default acrylic tool. Vivid, solid colors and some very fun foreshortened limbs going into this portrait made it a challenge. I was not too surprised that even with trying to focus on getting shape proportions right in the frame, I wound up shortening her legs in the first pass sketch. And another coffee cup. I swear, I don’t know what it is about coffee cups that gets me, but it always does.

Still working on color picking skills. I found myself trying to stay too close to a base skin tone as I worked around the figure here, not trusting a broader palette. Or even being able to perceive it, really. I wound up sampling the reference for a lot of it. Anywhere there was skin, my estimates were quite far off. I would stare and try to perceive what the color picker was discovering, and I just couldn’t. I think there’s some kind of deprogramming I need to do in my brain when it comes to the hues of skin.