Drawings from imagination

Practicing some figure work from imagination. These poses are not copied from anything, they’re just me trying to come up with what people look like. Usually when I try this, I make terrible things — stiff and unbelievable. For the most part, I’d say these are not bad. The shadows are shaky, particularly on the underside leg of the sleeping lady. Can you tell the lady in the bottom right has fallen onto the ground? I’m worried she looks like she’s in the middle of a jump.

I had a few failures trying to put these together, of course. They worked best when I really spent some time ahead visualizing what I wanted. That’s not an easy thing for me, so it took a few days to get this set. I got excited doing it, though. Drawing from imagination has always been my goal, and I could feel this exercise pushing back against the boundaries that have kept me from doing it. If I keep at this for a year or two, I will probably gain some confidence with these skills.

I intend to do just that.