Study group - simple forms 4

Study group work continues with a sheet of poses in 3 figures each. The simple forms poses, using contour lines to show the volumes are on the left in blue (or is that purple?) I’m using the same poses from last week, but I cleaned up the poses some. In particular, that third pose — Naomi is her name — needed work. I had her torso poised more vertically than the reference.

The red column is a series of gesture drawings. These are lighter on detail and supposed to communicate the “flow” of the pose in quick, expressive way. I don’t know what I’m doing here, and it shows. Particularly building it from the simple forms pose makes me wonder what the end goal of the gesture is. It’s not a nicer drawing the forms one. I guess that’s an upcoming group subject, though, so maybe I’ll figure something out.

The 3rd column is for value studies, using simple 2 value drawings. Like the gesture drawings, these were built from the forms drawing, using those volumes to guide where the shadow and light would fall. So, for instance, if a light is to the side of a cylinder, shade will fall perpendicular to the long axis. These look pretty solid, but this is something I’ve been practicing quite a lot lately.

I believe next month we return to anatomy, looking at the shoulder. I’m hoping that’s a less tricky subject than arms!