Study group - shoulders 2 (sort of)

Portrait of Lilith, nude, facing away from us, seated on a plinth

I don’t have a post from the study group to show this week. That’s my fault. We had an assignment, trying to identify parts of shoulder anatomy from a series of these photo references. I didn’t freehand the assignment this time; I traced directly on the references. The rights on those photos don’t allow me to share them, which is totally reasonable. If you want to see them, you can check them out on the Love Life Drawing community site.

Instead I painted a portrait of Lilith from one of the reference photo series, attempting to emulate the style of Kenzo’s painting in his latest YouTube video. He did a breakdown for me of the technical aspects of how he put it together. Loose sketch with a wide brush (Sinnix dry brush) with a color that wouldn’t be a problem if it showed up in the final, then painting directly on top of that, single layer. It’s not surprising that Kenzo produced better results than me, but I’m happy with where I got.

He did a blend brush pass, which I wasn’t having success with still, so mine has that naked brush stroke roughness. This work would benefit from some blending, so I’ll need to practice that skill some more.