Study group - hips and glutes 2

Figure study focusing on hips and thighs in 4 forms. A contour diagram, then that expanded into a whole figure, a value shaded figure, then a simplified pencil shading of the trunk

LLD study group hips and thighs month, part 2, looking at the front of the figure. This one got pretty concrete about the orientation of the pelvis, something I was pretty weak on before. It also started with those same tapered cylinders for the thighs (AKA conic sections), but then he gave a slightly more detailed breakdown using the sartorius muscle to divide that shape into 2 forms. The sartorius runs from the ASIS point (front of hip bone) down to the inner knee and separates the quadriceps from the inner thigh muscle. You can totally see it, and it has revolutionized my understanding of the upper leg. Between that and the redoubled focus on pelvis orientation landmarks, I really feel like I’m understanding this bit of anatomy better than any of the other areas we’ve focused on.

The above image features four renditions of the same pose. I set up the canvas with a medium gray background thinking I’d push some highlight colors in my figure drawing. But then that pose just really messed with me and made it so hard to get settled. You can see me searching for an approach. The pencil stuff I came to late, but learned something about the tool that makes me quite happy with the shading. I did the other two poses with that approach, and like the results. These shadows truly are guided by the anatomy.

2 views each of 2 figure studies focused on hips and thighs, in pencil. Contour diagrams showing a simplified pelvis and thigh muscles, and then simple shaded figure drawings