Study group - arms 1

This week we started on arm anatomy, focusing on the 3 main arm bones – the humerus (upper arm, green), the radius (forearm, blue), and ulna (forearm, red). Kenzo gave a little demo of how the joints work and what happens with the forearm bones during supination and pronation. We then had an assignment to impose bone diagrams over other references.

I can look at x-ray style demos and things look natural enough. Then I go to draw them myself, truly making things up, and it’s a struggle. In the above picture, for example, the front arm is mostly fine; pronated bones rotated over each other. The end of the humerus is probably rotated a little more vertical than it should be. But on that back arm, I just couldn’t make my head process it. It should be pronated, with that palm facing up from behind like that, but the pinkie is near us. Maybe I’ve got the start points for the radius and ulna mixed up?

I don’t know. More practice needed!